another batch of MP basic have come in. that means that for the past 4 days (monday being a public holiday of sorts) i have had the dubious pleasure of babysitting 21 new guys and 4 new specs who have joined our happy community at work. besides organizing their lessons and generally making sure that people are where they are supposed to be at when they're supposed to be there, i've had to stand in for lecturers who are either on leave, sick, or too busy or not bothered enough to be there for their lessons.
ah well. people don't appreciate that if there isn't a co-ordinator for these events the whole week falls apart. lecturers don't show up on time or at all, nobody gives a hoot about the new guys, and everyone wonders why things are so screwed up. at least now that i'm co-ordinating this, it becomes my fault if it goes pear-shaped. bugger.
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