Unexploded Cow
Thanks to Yu Hsien for the loan of Unexploded Cow. Before you go what!?!?!? I shall explain.
Unexploded Cow is a fast-paced hilarious card-game I introduced to the small group during church camp. They liked it so much we're going to try it again at our Christmas gathering at Tow-Kay-Neo's place.
Thinking of getting my own set. However, from www.cheapass.com the game itself costs US$7.50. Including postage (3-day UPS to USA) of US$9.50 so that the Heavenly Drain Water Chicken could bring it back for me would cost a total of US$17. However, USPS Airmail costs just US$7. Maybe i'll take the Airmail option. Thanks anyway, Mr Chicken.
Ur most welcome, I might just invest in some cheap ass games myself too. Cheapass singaporeans love nothing more than cheapass games... I miss Singapore. I miss the zhai mee fen from gombak base.
Special Offer: Free zhai mee fen from gombak base to all who show up in chicken suits.
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