Sunday, June 12, 2005

a celebration of all that (doesn't) work in the SAF

two incidents this week (loosely put, since it's been about 10 days since i last posted) stuck in my mind.

firstly. the story of the Dept Head's PA who couldn't think.

her: hello, is this the pass office?

me: yes, can i help you?

her: i'm xxx from yyy dept, and i've been told there are no stocks of the zzz form at the entrance counter.

me: ok, then you can come down to the pass office to get a copy of the form.

her: but it's raining now. can you send the form up to my office?

me: i'm sorry, but we don't do that. the forms are available at our counter, you can pick one up at your convenience.

her: but my boss needs the form urgently. why can't you send a copy up to my office?

me: we're not allowed to do that. if you need the form, you can obtain it from the counter at our office.

makes you wonder. are we performing national service or national slavery?


the second incident which is rather more humourous, depicts an OC in the camp next door. he (LTA X) wanted to close off the main avenue of approach to our camp from the hours of 0800-1100 so that his men could perform an exercise for preparation for their next assessment.

problem is, the people using the main avenue of approach to our compound include COLs A, B, C, etc; BGs D, E, F, etc, the service chiefs, CDF, a couple of perm secs and a couple of ministers. oh, and a whole company size of LTCs and rather more MAJs.

i don't think they'd be rather amused if we told them: sorry, ah, sir, but that lare-ter-nan say you cannot go into work today ah, be-cos ah, his troops want to march along this route. he say he already chope this place until 1100 hor, maybe you can go fly kite or canteen break until then lah.

if that happened, the next thing you know, LTA X would become PTE X and be living in DB.

use your blain use your blain use your blain!


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