Wednesday, November 30, 2005

To GEP or not to GEP, that is the question...

Take a gander at these links (thanks Boon!):

A gifted student? Sorry to hear that
A second look at the gift; Nightmare for students, parents; Ideal learning and social environment
GEP not an elitist breeding ground
Gifted course a joyride of discovery
What's another word for elitist?
What's another word for clueless?
Cliques not limited to GEP

And of course

GEPers Repent!

And you wonder what the problem is. Just like any other functioning human being in the galaxy, everyone has his/her own view on any given subject matter. it's a matter of learning to respect the views of people other than yourself that makes a mature person. Ergo, most of the authors featured above are childish and immature.

However, i fully respect their right to be childish and immature. So there.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Working in the Navy

Was planning to post something about my work in the navy (like the new super-secret weapons system that even mini-star of defence don't know about), but now cannot. wait give MSD and Public Affairs see then kena charged.

So, all i'm going to say is that it's difficult settling in - getting used to new job scope and new material. can't get into trouble for writing that, right?

Monday, November 14, 2005

Quote for the week:

Seen online:

I have gone to find myself. If I should return before I get back, please keep me here until I can come back to retrieve myself!

Sunday, November 13, 2005

WFTG's featured link:

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Change of Location

As of tomorrow (Monday), we, the citizens... will be workingforthegovernment in the NAVY.

Stay tuned...

Thursday, November 03, 2005

WFTG's Bad Taste Award

And the Bad Taste Award goes to....

Jae, for his amusing (NOT!) article, linked here:

To quote:

That's gotta be the highest real life GTA score ever.


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