So, it is durian season. While the opening sentence of this post may not have anything to do with the title, rest assured that everything has a reason. we will come to the doggy soon.
So, as i said earlier, it is durian season. Be patient. Good things come to those who wait.
So, again, it is durian season. Fortunately or unfortunately, in GB we have many durian trees. These durian trees produce durians. Durians ripen and fall to the ground. So, to save the ground from teeming with decomposing and decomposed durians, we have to do the world a favour and pick these durians up from the ground before they start to decompose. Such is the price of duty.
So what about the dog, you ask. Wait, I say.
Naturally, durian trees are not found all over the base. The health hazard is too high for any safety officer to condone it. The smallest possibility of having a durian fall on some high ranking officer's head is enough to forestall the aforesaid durian plantation. Then must write report. And eat chicken curry.
Therefore, durians are found deep inside the forest. As a result, the valiant
"But you haven't said anything about a dog!" you cry. And you are partially right. I did mention the dog earlier in the post, but asides from that nothing concrete has been said about a dog. So, we now come sequentially (non sequiter) to the dog.
The dog.
Today, we found a dog tied to the fence near the durian trees. Evidently, it had been abandoned over the weekend. The poor animal was shivering with cold and weak with hunger. We gave it some food and water, and now we have a pet.
The end.
Well, not quite. The dog was quite old (it's a beagle, for those who care) and we could almost sense its sadness at being abandoned by its owner(s). I mean, who abandons a dog and ties it to a fence at the mercy of the elements? Bah.
The end.
I lie. Below are some pictures of the dog. Also, let's have a name the dog contest. The winner gets.... erm. i don't know. maybe the dog. or not.




The end.
This time i mean it.
I bet his name is "Eric ll". Hes so cute.. whats gonna happen to him?
maybe you can vroom vroom down one day to take a look at the yet unnamed dog.
I think I just might... Its rare for a mutt to stay in Gombak for days and still be alive.. I think it should be named Mr Bigglesworth...
awww how cute
He's so cute. How about Cutie? Hehehe. The poor thing. I hope you're gonna take care of him. Those people who abandoned him should be er...let me put it nicely, get their just desserts one day. Those bastards.
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